Tuesday, July 10, 2012

"The Sensuality of Good Food"
This article is  written strictly for "grown folks"....It's sexy, it's mature....and is designed solely for the purpose of creating an "atmosphere of romance"...Of course, we all could use a little more romance in our lives....And this platter is sure to do the trick.
I have been happily married to my best friend and my lover for over 18 years...We love going out on dates, and we love enjoying a romantic meal in a dimly lit restaurant. But with the economy being as shaky as it is, sometimes the finer, more enjoyable things in life have a tendency to get put on hold, because of finances, but that does not have to be the case. Food is sensual, provacative, and enticing. It creates an aura of it's own and can easily be used to set any mood if you work it right. I call this platter, "Grown and Sexy".
You are home and you want to set the mood. This platter is perfect. It requires no cooking and is full of sexy finger foods that have a balance of carbs, and proteins, so you are not stuffed and ready to go to sleep. Guys, you can do this too....it's so easy.  Can you imagine how your lady will feel when you create this marvelous platter and bring it into the bedroom?  Then you take your time and make little wraps out of the Romaine lettuce and feed it to her? Yeah...you get the picture...No utensils required. Ladies, it's calorie friendly so you don't have to worry about your figure or your diet...because it's a mixture of sweet and savory, lowfat and  it's very, very satisfying. Pair it with your sexy beverage choice...served in the sexiest stemmed glass that you have, with some smooth jazz or classic R&B  and ohhlala. You'll have a night to remember.
"Grown and Sexy Platter"
This platter includes an assortment of fresh fruit. Pick whatever is in season and whatever  fruit you enjoy...Just make sure that you use a variety of colors and textures. I love hummus. I have red pepper hummus in the middle of this tray. If you have never tried hummus, give it a try. They have a variety of flavors and it makes a wonderful dip with toasted bagels cut into bite size pieces. The little white triangles are Skinny Cow cheese spreads, low calorie and loaded with flavor. Also, on the tray is cubed cheese (of your choice), I opted for the 2% variety, but any kind will work nicely. I added some honey ham cut into small pieces. Of course you can use any deli meat you prefer... or no meat at all. The key is to make it colorful and arrange it nicely. I also added some olives. You could use pickles or sliced fresh veggie. Romaine lettuce, rinsed and cut in half, make a wonderful wrap to create all kinds of flavor combinations from your platter.  You can make this platter with what ever ingredients you like. Be creative and Enjoy!

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