Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Collard Greens: A great low carb, low calorie food packed with nutrients to help jump start your diet.

I love Collards greens...They are a wonderful food that always reminds me of family and good times. When prepared right, (ie. without a lot of ham hocks and bacon fat) can be kind of a healthy comfort food that helps me ease into my after holiday eating correction. You, notice I didn't call it my "after holiday diet". I have learned over the years to modify how I eat overall so that I can maintain a healthy weight even during this time of year. Of course most of us gain a few extra pounds, but we can get back on track and not feel like we have a whole lot of hurdles to climb (no pun intended) so our clothes don't feel snug any more.

Collard greens are low calorie, low carb, low fat, (although the fat it does contain naturally is the good Omega 3's). They are dense and full of fiber, which will keep you full through out the day and jump starts your metabolism...which is why I LOVE them for breakfast. I got hooked on eating greens in Jamaica many, many years go while visiting on vacation. Every morning our breakfast would include Callaloo.

Callaloo a green, leafy vegetable much like collard, is a popular Caribbean dish originating in West Africa served in different ways across the Caribbean. There are many variations of callaloo dishes which may include coconut milk, crab, conch, Caribbean lobster, meats, chili peppers, and other seasonings such as chopped onions and garlic. The ingredients are added and simmered down to a somewhat stew like consistency. When done, callaloo is dark green in color and is served as a side dish. Every morning right after we did our morning aerobics and just before we headed to the beach; we enjoyed a fabulous breakfast buffet that included callaloo, saltfish, eggs, fresh tropical fruits, not to mention an array of other delicious offerings. So for me, whenever I have greens of any kind for breakfast my mind immediately goes to my happy of sunshine, warm ocean waters, great music, great sunsets all shared with great friends.

So if you want a little secret boost to your "eating correction", try adding some greens. My favorite is the collard, not only is it delicious, it is one of the world's super foods...PACKED with nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. Cook up a big pot for dinner, make plenty so that you can eat a serving for breakfast and for lunch. They freeze well and are easily portable to take to work.

I love to start my day with a lo carb meal of greens and eggs for breakfast and then later in the day have some with a piece of lean meat such as boneless chicken breast. Also try preparing them with smoked turkey legs or wings. You will be surprised at how delicious they are. Just remember, while you are getting back on track you might want to forego that hot water cornbread...Just for a little while!

Calories: - 54
Carbohydrates: 6.4g
Protein: 2.73g
Fat: 2.989
Vitamin A 36% Vitamin C 21%
Calcium 8% Iron 1%
Vitamin D 0% Vitamin B-6 5%
Vitamin B-12 0% Magnesium 2%

1 comment:

  1. Can look at my blog to see nutritional facts of food at grocery stores.
